Welcome to Cambridge Quilters


About us

Founded in the 1970s Cambridge Quilters is one of the oldest British quilting groups and has grown from monthly meetings in members' homes to twice monthly meetings with notable speakers and workshops covering all aspects of patchwork and quilting.


Our members range from beginners to experts across all age groups and interests.  We are a welcoming group and the only requirement for joining is a love of quilting!  Our quilts range from the traditional to the modern, from the smallest egg cosies to king-sized bed quilts.  Our members are interested in art and textiles, dyeing and printing, hand and machine pieceing and quilting. 


We hold regular meetings and held a major exhibtion in October 2023.   We also sew projects for the community so do check out our Community Page for more information. 






"I love being a member of Cambridge Quilters and have enjoyed membership since the early 1990's at a time when a few of us (less than 12) met in an upstairs room in St Johns Church on a Wednesday evening. Meeting up in person, chatting over a cup of coffee with fellow quilters has to be one of life's great pleasures! It is lovely to be surrounded by other makers and share ideas."

Moira Neal, Cambridge Quilters member


How to join


We would love you to join our community!


We have an annual joining fee which will be decided by the committee with fees are due from 1st January.  For 2024 the subscription is £35. That's less than £1.50 a meeting. This gives members access to all of our meetings and preferential rates for our workshops. All meetings are free to members to attend.  Visitors are welcome to attend meetings for a small fee of £6 per visit payable on the door.



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© Cambridge Quilters 2023